Growing up I was surrounded by family farms and fishing boats and it seemed everyone was a tinker of sorts. Rural life meant making do so I watched as family members fixed and made and created all of the pieces that went together to make a home.
I studied Agriculture in university and that lead to practical work in landscaping for many years. I never stopped admiring and enjoying the creative work that went into filling a home with handmade goods however, so the artisan eventually took over.
Gardening is now the perfect companion to my creative life and makes for daily inspiration.
The Craft
It's all about the natural materials!
Wool, silk and cotton are the mainstays for my needled felting and sewing projects. Beautiful, locally produced wool roving is top of the list and years of collected fabrics are a close second.
I started my basket weaving journey with rattan that I dyed in small batches and have added in as many locally found materials and objects as possible. That is my justification for bringing home small treasures from trips to the beach and hikes throughout Cape Breton Island.

Creative Joy
And freedom! I love to weave a good and practical basket to use for everyday chores. I also love to felt a little mouse that just sits on a shelf and makes you smile. That really is my joy.
Thank you for your interest in my work. I hope you finding something on the site that will delight you or someone you know!